How Accor Plus Hotels Membership is benefits to Travelers?

What is Accor Membership?



Accorplus membership is the special offer provided by the Accor Hotel Group for the travelers to use the benefits and discounts on accommodation, food in hotels.

Accor plus hotel membership is works conjoin with Le Club Accor Scheme, which offer loyalty status reward function for visitors who use the Accor membership frequently.


Accommodation benefits of using Accorplus Membership:


The important benefit of this Accor plus membership is free night stay. You can access this offer in all the Accor hotels available in Asia-pacific region with all the top brand hotels. This is available only for standard type of room and acceptable for only one night. If you want any luxury or deluxe room with this schema, need to pay extra fee as per tariff.


Accorplus membership is available up to 12 months and you can access the hotel in this period at any time. But there is some restriction on only peak travel time. Bookings must be made to stay while you are within the same membership period.


Dining benefits of using Accorplus Membership:


Accorplus membership offer you 50% discounts on dining at over 1100 Accor group hotels in 18 countries. There is additional offer on drinks with 15% in Asian countries. This dining offer from Accor includes breakfast, lunch and dinner when you are available in Accor groups hotels.


For single person dining get 25% off. The maximum discount is 50% for two persons. If you are going with more than 2 guests, the off will be 33% and if you are access the dining with 3 more guests the off will be 25%.


Discounted Room Rates with Accor Plus Membership:


Accor Plus membership offer up to 50% discount on last minute stays specially allocated “Red hot rooms”. Generally, 10% off at public rate is there on all type of rooms around Asia Pacific.


So, it is worth to buy Accor Membership in Australia?


Yes, it is worth to buy to Accor hotels membership if you are frequent traveler to Australia and prefer only for luxury hotels, accommodation and dining. Accor provide more offers and discounts for their visitors and customers at best price in Australia and across Asia and pacific regions.


Visit here to check the latest Accor hotels membership details.